
End Of Summer 2023

It’s almost fall! Chilly kids will be at bus stops with chilly ears before we know it. I wasn’t able to get the non profit official. The legal fees were a road block. I pivoted to focus on my education and career. I am now a small business owner of Acorn Acres Birthing LLC. I am excited to be a […]


Today I was able to donate 2 new jackets with the community! Thank you to the kind hearted family who decided to share resources to make a difference in our community. I appreciate you all so much. Thank you for your kind messages and support. I am so excited to see how many jackets we will be able to donate […]

Yarn donations!

A beautiful donation from a stranger, now a future friend. If you would like to join in the generosity, please email me at or message me on Instagram Thank you for sharing your day with me. These kind words and donations mean everything to me. SO many happy dances when these arrived. My kids and I are so […]

2022 Jacket, Glove and Hat Donation

Thank you to everyone cheering for Acorn Caps. This was the first year we were able to donate Jackets and gloves. That is all because of you. Thank you for your generous spirits and kind hearts. Many of the donations were from beautiful strangers in my community. Together we gave 5 new warm jackets, 20 new gloves, and 9 hand […]

Big Thank you!

Thank you to all the kind souls who visited the site yesterday. An extra big thanks to everyone who found the amazon link and decided it was the right choice for them to donate. My kids and I are jumping up and down that we will be receiving 2 jackets, 4 balls of yarn, (4 future hats) and 12 people […]

Acorn Acres to Acorn Caps!

In 2011 we bought our first home. It was cheaper than the new rent hike that was happening in our apartment. What a scam. We moved an hour away so we could have a spot, a spot our hopeful children could play and climb trees. The ground around the house is covered in oak trees. So naturally I named our […]